As 2022 quickly comes to an end, Berean Academy continues to pursue the vision of its founders “to equip students with an excellent academic foundation, knowledge of the Scriptures, and a Christ-centered, Bible-based worldview, which enables them to glorify God through Christ-like character and service.” Fulfilling this vision has come at a considerable cost to many during Berean’s 77-year history – significant sacrifices have been made by parents, teachers, and donors to promote the ministry of Berean Academy. Today, at a time when Christian education is so desperately needed in America, we can be thankful for the blessing of an excellent Christian school to serve our community.
Interest in Christ-centered education continues to grow both on a local and national scale. Our admissions department is already getting a number of inquiries from prospective families for the 2023-24 school year, but finding space for additional students in some grades is becoming a challenge. Thankfully, a board recommendation to build six elementary classrooms was approved by the association in August, and plans are close to being finalized. These new classrooms will help consolidate our elementary program and contribute to the board’s long-term strategic plan to replace aging secondary classrooms.
I am also excited to report a positive development with our 40-year-old track. In light of the significantly higher costs for a synthetic track, the board has unanimously agreed to spend $92,000 to repair the current asphalt track (cut out large cracks and broken up areas and refill with new asphalt), resurface the entire track with 2" of new asphalt, and restripe it. With proper maintenance, this should extend the life of the track by 10 to 15 years. In conjunction with these repairs, the athletic program will purchase roles of synthetic track material to lay out on the track in the spring - enough for one synthetic lane around the entire track and three or four synthetic lanes on the straightaway for practicing sprints and hurdles. This option will allow us to gain many of the advantages of a synthetic track without the cost. Our athletes will be able to practice with spikes, and the synthetic rolls will provide a lower-impact surface for them to train on.
As the year comes to a close, please consider making a year-end gift to Berean Academy. Gifts to the Family Education Grant are a great way to help provide a Christ-centered education to current Berean families. In addition, for those who would like to make a long-term investment in Christian education, the elementary expansion is a wonderful project to support financially. As always, thank you for keeping our teachers, students, families, and alumni in your prayers.
Blessings to you,
Dr. Tad Nuce
Head of School