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Message from the Head of School

As 2021 comes to a close, I find there is so much for which we can be thankful. After the uncertainty and confusion of last year, we are experiencing a return to normalcy in many ways. We are thankful for the teachers and staff the Lord has provided – each one is an essential part of the ministry team at Berean Academy. In addition, we are very much enjoying the new spaces the Kingdom Building project made available to the school, as well as increased enrollment and renewed ACSI accreditation.

One of the Kingdom Building project goals was to bring the entire elementary school, which is currently spread out in three different locations on campus, under one roof. This was to be achieved by converting the old cafeteria into two new classrooms and moving the two grades in the duplex into the main building. As the project completing the entrance, offices, kitchen, and cafeteria was concluded, the board revisited the idea of converting the old cafeteria into elementary classrooms. While this option would bring the 3rd and 4th grades into the building, it wouldn’t solve the scattered nature of the elementary program.

A better option might be to add four or even six classrooms to the K-2nd grade wing and bring the entire elementary department together in one combined area of the building. This would allow greater collaboration and cooperation among elementary teachers, provide a more attractive program to potential families, and free up classroom space in the junior high and high school areas.

For these and other reasons, the board has identified adding classrooms to our current elementary wing as the next priority to pursue and is in the process of gathering preliminary information. The board does not have a timetable and is not prepared to launch another building project at this time. The good news is we already know that building classrooms will be a much cheaper project than a cafeteria and kitchen. Please pray for the board as they seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance concerning this possible next step.

Dr. Tad Nuce - Head of School


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