Faith and family have been a large part of my life. In their 50 years of marriage, my parents have committed each summer to Bible camp ministry. The love for the Lord and the love for challenging children and teens to submit to Christ has been instilled in me, and I am compelled to continue the legacy. It is amazing to work with children and share the truths of Scripture in every aspect of a day. As a second grader, I remember clearly knowing that I would be a teacher someday. My childhood church ministries, camp ministries, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit in my life have shaped who I am today.
Growing up, I never imagined God would lead me to Kansas. But He did! My husband of 22 years, Ryan, is a mechanical engineer and accepted a position at ARC Technology in Whitewater, Kansas in 2007. Yes, we were high school sweethearts! My first memory of him was playing Duck, Duck, Goose at VBS in kindergarten. My parents, willingly yet reluctantly, helped us move from Minnesota with excitement on July 1, and I can say I have NEVER experienced such intense heat in my life! Our first two summers here had 45 and 54 straight days of over 100*F. It was literally burned into my memory 🙂
Once our children were in school, God opened the doors for me to work a long-term substitute position at Berean Academy. For nine years, it has been a privilege to work with second graders and the families that make up the unique community of Berean. Knowing that my children are being taught the truth in each class, knowing that your children in my class are being challenged to think about life through the foundation of God's Word - I cannot take it for granted but can rejoice that in this time in God's plan, He is sovereign in Elbing, Kansas, and I get to be a part of His ministry.
I earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Bethel University-St.Paul. Followed by a master's degree in family education from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. This will be my nineteenth year teaching and tenth year at Berean Academy. I am excited to step into the role of elementary principal and serve the students, families, and elementary staff. God has granted us a strong heritage of Jesus followers, and Christian education is an excellent opportunity to build God's kingdom here in rural Kansas.
Berean Academy has been home for my own children. Eli graduated last May and now attends Cedarville University. My daughter, Tayana, is a senior this year, and our youngest, Sylas, is a sophomore. I enjoy cheering on my kids, reading, games, adventures, and the Minnesota Vikings. My life verse is Micah 6:8 "He has shown thee, o man. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." This continues to be my prayer as I serve Berean Academy this year.
