The start of a new school year should always be a reason for thankfulness, but this year calls for extra thanksgiving to celebrate God’s goodness. After shutting down face-to-face instruction last March and speculating all summer about what school might look like this fall, it is a wonderful
blessing to have students and teachers back in the classroom again.
Unfortunately, the events of the past six months have been difficult and unsettling for many families. Because of these challenges, I have chosen Psalms 67:1-2 for this year’s theme verses: “May God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.” I chose these verses, in part, because I do like the way they read – they are beautifully poetic. More importantly, I love the expectation of His graciousness, His approval, and His blessing. The psalmist may have borrowed the wording for his prayer from the instructions God gave Aaron, which explained how he was to bless the children of Israel: “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26) The Lord placed such a high value on the act of blessing His people, that He prescribed to Aaron how it should be done. God still desires to bless His people, and so I have been praying this verse for Berean Academy – May God be gracious to Berean and bless Berean, and cause His face to shine upon Berean Academy!
I also appreciate the missional emphasis of these verses. It is because of His graciousness, His blessing, and His approval of His people that the nations will know of His amazing salvation. Berean has a long history of sending missionaries to many distant lands. The school has emphasized missions and the need to take the Gospel to all nations. This is a proper response for those who have experienced God’s graciousness and blessing. This year, however, we have brought the mission field to Berean Academy. Several international students from South Korea are attending our school. We are excited about this opportunity for these students to hear the gospel in our Bible classes and chapels and see it lived out in the lives of our students, teachers, and host families. It is my hope that with our emphasis on God’s graciousness and blessing, the school’s focus will extend beyond our own unusual circumstances as we proclaim His “salvation among all nations.”
Dr. Tad Nuce - Head of School