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Fall Message from the Head of School

The 2022/2023 school year is off to a great start with another increase in enrollment. This fall, we have a total of 337 students, including 57 new students. The committed staff and faculty of Berean Academy are thankful for the opportunity to serve an increasing number of students and families.

The theme verse for the year is Colossians 3:23. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (ESV). In our increasingly self-centered society, the act of working with our whole hearts for the honor and glory of God is becoming less and less common. Another translation says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily…" (NKJV). Our desire for Berean’s students is that they “do it heartily,” whatever it might be – band practices, athletics, academics, friendships, etc. This biblical attitude, of course, does not come naturally to children (or to adults for that matter), but as we emphasize our theme verse, our prayer is that we see our students thinking more about why they do what they do and for whom they are doing it.

At our last Berean Laymen’s Association meeting, the Berean Board asked constituents to approve a six-classroom elementary building expansion of 8,500 square feet for $1.1 million. This new expansion, including additional bathrooms, a tornado shelter, and a teacher workroom, would be added to our current elementary wing. The expansion would allow us to move the 3rd through 6th grades into the elementary wing, consolidating the program in one location for better collaboration and cooperation and freeing up classroom space for our secondary program.

While an addition to our elementary wing has been part of the master plan for nearly a decade, recent increases in our grade-school enrollment have highlighted the need to make this expansion a priority. Berean has just over $200,000 for this project in the Kingdom Building Fund, and members of the Berean board have personally pledged $50,000 towards the project. Please consider donating to help Berean build what will become an essential part of our campus for many years to come.

Blessings to you,

Dr. Tad Nuce

Head of School


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