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State of the School Address

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In the midst of many challenges this school year (staffing, construction project, finances, and then coronavirus), the only way we could persevere was to keep our eyes on Jesus and not on circumstances, holding fast to Berean Academy’s theme verse for the 2019-20 school year, which was “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God” – Hebrews 12:2. I have seen many at Berean (teachers, parents, students, and board) embrace this word of encouragement from the Scriptures by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. The Lord continues to be faithful to Berean in these ways:

  • Blessings poured on the school:

    • We had an increase in enrollment with 291 students.

    • We saw nearly a million dollars raised in the 2018-19 school year for the Kingdom Building Project.

  • The Coronavirus – moved from being an interesting news event in China to a life-changing crisis that has affected every family at Berean Academy.

    • Teachers and staff pulled together and have worked especially hard to learn new online platforms for teaching classes.

    • Our families have demonstrated amazing patience to help provide a great education for their children – despite less than ideal circumstances.

    • The Coronavirus has highlighted many of the strengths of Berean Academy – its dedicated teachers, its committed families, and its dependence on the Lord.

  • Future:

    • By the start of Berean’s 75th year, we expect the new construction to be completed, which will greatly enhance the security and functionality.

    • There will be improvements in other areas of the school.

    • We expect enrollment to continue to grow.

We are truly grateful for the blessings God has bestowed on Berean Academy and eagerly anticipate what He will do in the years to come.


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